Shifting DEI from Compliance to Culture

Shifting DEI from Compliance to CultureFeatured Image
By The Diversity Employment Team - Published on: Jun 11, 2024

Transforming Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into a True Mindset

Hey there! I just read an insightful piece by Harvard Business Review that really made me think about how companies approach diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). It’s not just about ticking boxes anymore; it’s about building a mindset. Let’s explore what this means.

From Compliance to Commitment

The article explains that many businesses treat DEI as a checklist item. They do what’s required and not much more. However, the new approach is all about embedding DEI into the very fabric of an organization’s culture. This shift is crucial for creating environments where everyone feels valued and can thrive.

Building a DEI Mindset

So, how can companies make this shift? It starts with leadership. Leaders must not only support DEI initiatives but also actively participate in them. They need to set an example and encourage everyone in the organization to think about how their actions affect others.

Training plays a big role too. But it’s not just any training. It has to be ongoing and interactive, helping employees understand the complexities of human differences and how these can be a source of strength rather than division.

Why This Matters

Embracing a DEI mindset helps companies perform better. It leads to more innovation, better decision-making, and stronger connections with a diverse customer base. Plus, it makes the workplace a lot more welcoming and inclusive.

If you’re curious about how to foster such an environment or want to learn more about effective DEI practices, check out our Resource Hub. It’s packed with information on career development, civil rights & cultural diversity, and much more.

Remember, creating a DEI mindset isn’t just good for business; it’s essential for building a society where everyone has the opportunity to succeed. Check out the full article here to get a deeper understanding of this important shift.