Guide to the Best Questions to Ask in an Interview

Guide to the Best Questions to Ask in an InterviewFeatured Image
By The Diversity Employment Team - Published on: May 21, 2024

Stepping into an interview can be daunting, especially when you’re eager to make a good impression. Knowing the best questions to ask in an interview can set you apart from other candidates. It’s not just about answering questions correctly; it’s also about asking the right ones. This guide is designed for entry-level job seekers. Those who want to demonstrate their preparedness, engage meaningfully with potential employers, and make informed decisions about their career paths.

Whether exploring your first job or seeking a new opportunity focusing on inclusive and diverse companies, your questions can reveal your fit for the role and the company. From understanding the job’s daily tasks to assessing the company’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, every query you raise helps you better understand whether the opportunity aligns with your career goals and values.

Continue reading to discover the best questions to ask in an interview, which will help you stand out as informed and invested in your future role.

Understanding the Role

Once you land an interview, your primary goal is to understand the job deeply. This ensures you are a good match for both your benefit and the company’s. Asking precise questions can illuminate the expectations and broader goals of the role.

Key Questions to Uncover Role Insights

Here are several outstanding questions aimed at better grasping job specifics:

  • “Can you describe a typical day in this position?” This will help you picture your daily life in this role.
  • “What are the immediate challenges someone in this position would face?” – This question reveals immediate priorities and hurdles in the job.
  • “How does this position contribute to the organization’s goals?” – Connecting the role to larger company objectives lets you understand its importance.
  • “What are the key performance indicators for this role?” – Knowing how success is measured helps you align expectations immediately.

In addition to understanding the role, resources like the Occupational Outlook Handbook can be used to get well-rounded data on job projections and standard requirements across different industries.

Thoroughly understanding the role is crucial not only for your interview success but also for your long-term job satisfaction and professional growth.

Asking About Company Culture

Understanding a company’s culture is just as critical as understanding the role you’re applying for. A workplace’s culture significantly influences your day-to-day satisfaction and your fit within the team.

Essential Questions to Explore Company Culture

Here are insightful questions to get a more profound sense of the company’s cultural environment:

  • “How would you describe the company’s values and how they are manifested in the workplace?” – This question gives you a clear picture of the core beliefs guiding the company’s actions.
  • “Can you give examples of how the company supports diversity and inclusion?” – This is vital for understanding the company’s commitment to building diverse teams.
  • “What are some of the ways the company celebrates team success?” This question reveals whether the company values achievements and how they foster team spirit.
  • “What kind of community involvement or social responsibility initiatives does the company participate in?” – Answers will highlight if the company’s values align with your principles.

By asking about company culture, you can gather insights into whether you’ll enjoy working there and demonstrate your interest in being part of the team. Additionally, understanding these aspects can help you relate your values and experiences to the role during the interview.

Explore detailed insights on company culture practices worldwide through Harvard Business Review, which offers a variety of articles and studies on organizational culture.

Questions on Team Dynamics

After delving into the company culture, it’s crucial to understand the team you might be working with. Team dynamics can significantly affect your work experience and performance.

Critical Questions to Ask About Team Structure

Gather insights on how teams operate and collaborate within the company:

  • “Who will I work closely with daily?” – This question clarifies your immediate workgroup.
  • “Can you describe the team’s work style and how they manage projects?” – Understanding this helps you anticipate the workflow and collaboration style.
  • “What are the common challenges the team faces and how do they overcome them?” – Insights into challenges show how the team tackles obstacles and grows together.
  • “How does the team support each other’s professional development?” indicates whether there’s a supportive environment for growth and learning.

Asking these questions helps you gauge how well you may integrate and shows your proactive interest in becoming a contributing team member. Furthermore, this information is pivotal for assessing if the team’s working style aligns with yours.

Inquiring About Growth and Development Opportunities

Understanding the potential for personal and professional growth within a company is essential. It speaks volumes about how the company invests in its employees’ future.

Essential Questions to Understand Growth Opportunities

Here are essential questions to ask to grasp how a company fosters development:

  • “What professional development opportunities are available to employees?” – Reveals if and how the company supports ongoing learning and skill enhancement.
  • “How does the company handle promotions and career advancement?” – Gives insight into the potential career paths and what achievements are rewarded.
  • “Are there mentorship or coaching programs within the company?” – Indicates the company’s commitment to mentoring its workforce.
  • “How frequently are performance reviews conducted?” – Helps you understand how feedback is provided and how often you can expect it.

By ensuring there are pathways for growth, you can decide if the company aligns with your career goals. Additionally, this section of questions demonstrates your ambition and commitment to contribute meaningfully over the long term.

For broader reflections on the importance of professional development, you might explore Forbes Human Resources Council articles on career development trends.

Addressing Diversity and Inclusion

Addressing diversity and inclusion is crucial to understanding a company’s commitment to creating a welcoming and equitable workplace. These questions will help you gauge how seriously a company takes diversity initiatives.

Questions to Uncover Diversity and Inclusion Practices

Here are some inquiries you should consider:

  • “How does the company ensure a diverse and inclusive environment?” – This question helps you see the practical steps the company takes.
  • “Can you provide examples of how diversity goals have been met in recent years?” – Demonstrates the effectiveness of the company’s diversity policies.
  • “What resources are available to employees for diversity and inclusion education?” – Shows the ongoing support and education in diversity.
  • “How are diverse teams consulted in decision-making processes?” – Indicates the level of involvement and respect for diverse opinions in company decisions.

Asking about these practices helps you better understand the company’s culture. It also reflects your values and expectations for a diverse workplace and your proactive stance toward being part of a diverse team.

For additional insights into the importance of diversity in the workplace, check out the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Questions on Daily Responsibilities

After gaining insight into the company’s culture and its dedication to diversity, let’s focus on the day-to-day. Knowing your daily responsibilities is critical to understanding what will be expected of you.

Insightful Questions About Daily Tasks

To get a clear view of what your typical day might look like, consider asking:

  • “What are the core duties I would be handling regularly?” – Clarifies the main activities of your role.
  • “Can you walk me through the tools and technology I would use in this position?” This question helps you understand the technical requirements and prepare accordingly.
  • “What is the team’s workflow like, and how will my role fit into it?” – Gives you a glimpse into the operational side and your position within the team.
  • “Are there any recurring challenges I should anticipate in this job?” This question helps you gauge the hurdles you might face and the problem-solving skills required.

These questions provide a snapshot of what each day might hold and show your initiative to integrate fully into the company’s workflow from day one.

Asking About Success Measurements

Knowing how success is measured in a role is crucial for aligning your efforts with the company’s expectations. This can help you make a significant impact and grow within the organization.

Probing Questions to Understand Success Metrics

To ensure you and your prospective employer are on the same page about expectations, consider these questions:

  • “What metrics or goals will my performance be evaluated against?” – Identifies the key performance indicators you’re expected to meet.
  • “How often are performance reviews conducted?” – Understands the frequency and process of feedback sessions.
  • “Can you describe some successes of people previously in this role?” – Provides benchmarks and achievements that are considered successful.
  • “What does a successful first year in this position look like?” – Sets clear, actionable goals for your initial year on the job.

Asking these questions shows your commitment to meeting and exceeding the expectations set forth. It also gives you the knowledge you need to thrive in your new role.

For more insights on setting professional goals and metrics for success, visit the renowned Harvard Business School’s Working Knowledge website.

What Not to Ask

While knowing the best questions to ask in an interview is crucial, understanding what to avoid is equally important. Some questions can imply a lack of research or even unintentional disrespect.

Questions You Should Generally Avoid

Here’s what not to ask during your interview:

  • “What does your company do?” – This shows a lack of preparation. Always research the company beforehand.
  • “How soon can I take a vacation?” – Asking this at the first interview may suggest you’re not fully committed.
  • “How quickly can I be promoted?” – This might make it seem like you’re overlooking the role you’re applying for.
  • “What are the salary and benefits?” – This information is crucial, but discussing it too early can be considered premature. Please wait for the interviewer to bring it up.

By avoiding these questions, you maintain a professional demeanor and show that you focus on value addition and role suitability.


What if the interviewer doesn’t offer precise details on job responsibilities?

Consider asking follow-up questions or requesting specific examples to gain more precise insights into the role.

Is it appropriate to discuss salary during the first interview?

It’s usually best to wait until the employer brings up the topic or during a follow-up interview to discuss salary.

How can I show my interest in the role and company?

Research the company’s recent developments and mention how these align with your skills and interests during the interview.

How many questions are too many during an interview?

Keep it balanced—five to ten well-thought-out questions show preparedness without overwhelming the interviewer.

What should I do if I don’t have all the skills listed in the job description?

Focus on your relevant skills and discuss your willingness and ability to learn new elements.


Asking the right questions during an interview clarifies your understanding and demonstrates your genuine interest in potentially joining the company. Each question you pose should aim to uncover the company’s expectations and how you can grow as part of its team.

An interview is also your opportunity to evaluate if the company fits your career aspirations and values. The questions discussed throughout this guide should be a strong foundation for any interview and help you stand out as a candidate.

Join Diversity Employment to stay updated on more tips and explore diverse job opportunities. Together, let’s work towards building a more inclusive and diverse workplace environment.

The Diversity Employment Team

At Diversity Employment, we are steadfast in our commitment to bridging the divide between diverse job candidates and employers who champion inclusivity. Our aim is to cultivate a workforce landscape that truly reflects the richness of our diverse society. Diversity Employment leverages the latest technologies, combined with our profound insights into diversity employment dynamics, to present you with enlightening perspectives, actionable advice, and timely updates on subjects such as effective job search strategies, interview best practices, and the ever-shifting labor market landscape.
