Best Questions to Ask In a Job Interview: Top Picks

Best Questions to Ask In a Job Interview: Top PicksFeatured Image
By The Diversity Employment Team - Published on: Oct 02, 2024

Making it through to the interview stage of the recruitment process is a huge achievement. Getting to this point is certainly something to be proud of. The main purpose of a job interview is for your prospective employers to find out more about you and what you could bring to the role. However, it’s also the perfect opportunity to find out more about the company and to ask any questions you may have about the job. But which are the best questions to ask in an interview?

In this guide, we’ll explore why asking questions at an interview is important and provide plenty of question inspiration so that you feel fully prepared for your interview.

Why Asking Questions at a Job Interview is Crucial

Many people shy away from asking questions at job interviews. This could be simply because they haven’t prepared for the interview, so they aren’t sure what they need to ask. Or, it could be because they assume it’s presumptuous to ask the recruiter questions during the interview. However, asking questions is crucial at a job interview; here’s why:

  • Asking questions shows that you are engaged and invested in the interview process.
  • When you ask questions, you demonstrate that you’re enthusiastic about the position and eager to learn more about it.
  • Asking questions shows initiative and a proactive approach.

Questions to Gauge Company Culture

  • How would you describe the workplace culture at this company?
  • What are the company’s core values?
  • How does the company communicate its values?
  • What role do company values play in the everyday running of the business?
  • What is your favorite thing about working at this company?
  • Which qualities does the company value most in its employees?

Questions to Help Understand Expectations of the Role

  • What does a typical day in this role look like?
  • Would I be required to meet daily/weekly/monthly targets?
  • How will my performance in the role be measured?
  • How often do performance reviews take place?
  • What key skills are required to perform this role successfully?
  • What is the single most important aspect of this role?
  • Will I receive training before starting the role?
  • Will there be a handover period, or will I need to ‘learn on the job’?
  • How does the role fit into the wider team?

Question Ideas to Explore Opportunities for Career Growth

  • Where do you see the company five years from now?
  • Will this role evolve over time?
  • Are there plans to grow this role?
  • What would position would be a natural progression from this role?
  • What training and development opportunities are available to employees in this role?
  • Do you offer mentorship programs?
  • Where are other people who have performed this role working now?
  • Will I receive support to develop my career?

Questions to Assess Team Dynamics

  • Who would I directly report to in this role?
  • Is the role part of a wider team?
  • Who leads the team?
  • How many team members are there?
  • What roles do the other team members perform?
  • Which team members would I work most closely with?
  • Where is the team based (i.e. at home, in the office)?
  • How much of the role involves collaborative working?
  • How does the team communicate?
  • What are the team’s main strengths and challenges?

Clarifying Your Job Responsibilities With Questions

  • What is the most important thing for me to accomplish in this role?
  • What are the key responsibilities for this role?
  • What are the main day-to-day responsibilities in this role?
  • Does this role have sole responsibilities, or are they shared within the team?
  • Do you expect the role’s responsibilities to evolve in the coming years?
  • Does this role come with out-of-scope responsibilities?

Inquiring About Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

  • What is the company’s approach to diversity and inclusion in the workplace?
  • Does the company have diversity and inclusion policies in place?
  • How does the company celebrate diversity in its workforce?
  • What steps does the company take to recruit a diverse workforce?
  • How diverse is your workforce?
  • Do you have targets for diversity and inclusion?

Final Questions to Ask to Leave a Lasting Impression

  • Would you like any further information about my experience or skills?
  • Would you like me to explain any of my answers in more detail?
  • What could I do to impress you the most in the first three months in the role?
  • What would your perfect candidate for this role look like?


What should I do if all my questions were answered during the interview?

If you have no further questions, you can explain what you were going to ask and then recap that these questions were answered during the interview. This is a useful way for you to gain extra information, as the interviewer may elaborate further on your questions.

How many questions should I ask?

It’s helpful to have around three questions prepared for the interview. This reduces the chances that they’ll be answered during the interview itself.

When can I ask my questions?

The interviewer will usually ask if you have any questions at the end of the interview.


The main aim of a job interview is for the employer to assess your skills and suitability for the role. However, it’s also the perfect opportunity for you to ask questions and get a better feel for the company and what it’s like to work there.

Researching the company and then asking questions demonstrates that you’ve prepared thoroughly for the interview. It also shows initiative and an enthusiastic attitude towards your career. Ending with a strong final question will ensure that your interview sticks in the recruiter’s mind.

Asking questions about diversity is an excellent indicator of whether the company is inclusive and whether the role is suited to your needs. If you’re looking for a role that values diversity and recognizes the importance of inclusion, Diversity Employment can help. Upload your resume, and we’ll connect you with employers offering truly inclusive roles in various industries. Your journey to a career where your talents are celebrated starts here.

The Diversity Employment Team

At Diversity Employment, we are steadfast in our commitment to bridging the divide between diverse job candidates and employers who champion inclusivity. Our aim is to cultivate a workforce landscape that truly reflects the richness of our diverse society. Diversity Employment leverages the latest technologies, combined with our profound insights into diversity employment dynamics, to present you with enlightening perspectives, actionable advice, and timely updates on subjects such as effective job search strategies, interview best practices, and the ever-shifting labor market landscape.